Our mission is to empower incredible singles to elevate their consciousness and forge meaningful connections with other extraordinary individuals. We are dedicated to creating a safe and uplifting space where love, openness, and connection thrive. Our purpose is to instill confidence and provide the support necessary for our community to confidently connect with their special person. 
Together, we believe in the power of love to transform lives and create lasting happiness. Join us on this incredible journey of self-discovery, growth, and love. 
Together, let's embrace the magic of connection and create a world filled with extraordinary love stories.

10 Principles for the LoveFest

  • Be open for love

    Being open for love means you come into the event with an open mindset to connect, not thinking no one is going to be there for me.

  • let the past go

    Its time to forgive the people that hurt you in the past and take the lessons to why that came into your life and how have they made you grow.

  • Believe not doubt

    Believe love is out there for you, doubting there is anyone out there will only lead to more doubt and create a negative response within you.

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote source

  • Love Over fear

    Choose to act with loving intentions, fear will make you closed off, controlling, rude, and push away love.

    Love will be open, kind, considerate, and understanding to others.

  • I am Accountable

    You must be accountable for your relationship and the energy you put into it. If you are putting anger or blaming others for your relationships or connections not working then you never grow. We only grow when we are accountable.

  • Love is courage

    Courage is where we step into our creative energy which helps us create connections, love, and happiness.

    Courage is when we look beyond ourselves and make a step to put ourselves out there.

  • Focus on them

    When dating and connecting the survival part of us only focuses on ourselves. I am scared, what if they are judging me…

    When you focus on them and who they are, you tap into your thriving mentality and connect with them. This is they key to creating a beautiful relationship.

  • Give don’t take

    Taking is when you only speak to someone to see what you can get from the relationship.

    Giving is when you consider them and as you give love, you will receive it even more.

Remember, you are more than enough, the past helped you grow, its now time to shine and receive love.